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Outreach activities

Several of our group members are active in scientific dissemination and outreach activities (mostly in Spanish or Catalan):

  • Read Prof. Gemma Marfany weekly column in "el Nacional" where, each saturday, she talks about different scientific topics. You can check her latest posts here.

  • Check also Prof. Marfany's column “Gens i Gents”, in the journal Mètode.

  • Watch Dr. Bru Cormand's YouTube channel, and listen to his capsules about SARS-CoV-2, ADHD, or teaching and genetics in general.

  • Visit the Eat2beNice European project website, which has its own outreach blog section. Read some of our entries by Judith Cabana (2), Bru Cormand, or Raquel Rabionet.

  • Read about the genetics of addiction in the posts in the mind the gap blog.

  • Visit Dr. Urreizti's blog "Science and Spice", where we discuss some of our research on rare diseases (some entries in English).

  • Our master student, Estefanía Alcaide, enjoys scientific illustration. She has illustrated our research lines, and you can check other examples of her work here.

In addition, we participate in outreach activities like science day, or the international women in science day. And you can also follow us on twitter.

©2023 by the Human Molecular Genetics research group @ UB

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